The Docu-Leaders Project is all about young people who want to make a difference in the Galilee. In recent months, a new and unique project was launched in collaboration with the Docu-Village Center, a non-profit social-educational organization located in the town of Ma’alot-Tarshiha.
The Docu-Leaders project seeks to identify social leaders of high school age who are actively engaged in projects in collaboration with the Galila Foundation. These young leaders will document all of their activities and will become catalysts for social change in the northern Galilee region.
This kind of documentary film project will become an important and creative sphere through which both the creators of the film and the participants will observe their world from different perspectives and together create a quality brand of culture and while experiencing the documentary film-making, they will promote, expose and enrich their lives here in the Galilee.
The Docu-Leaders Project began last summer when a group of teenagers from different communities around the Galilee including Ma’alot, Kfar Vradim, Kiryat Shmona and the rural communities of Matte Ahser, all gathered together and experienced an intensive training program under the guidance and encouragement of Mrs. Vered Osman, the Docu-Village founder and director.
This unique group will work together to document and develop short films that will be combined into a single documentary cluster and will reveal the activities of youths who wish to change their surroundings and improve their life quality.
The project is the result of the Beren Fellows group, an initiative developed by the Galila Foundation and is sponsored by the Galila-Beren initiative, which is also active in numerous programs enriching the residents of the northern Galilee.