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Adrenaline – a human mosaic of the Galilee

Adrenaline – a human mosaic of the Galilee

Sharona Shalev-Mayer founded the Adrenalin Running club 3 years ago, and her social-activist background coupled with her entrepreneurial spirt have, in a relatively short period, turned this sports club into a unique social platform, bringing together the diverse communities living together in the Western Galilee.

As soon as Sharona joined the ‘Galila Fellows’ program and thanks to this supportive platform, she created a regional/social program which brings together runners coming from the most varied communities in the Galilee – for social and communal activities, during which they informally engage and learn to recognize the similarities and differences with their neighboring communities including Jewish, Druze, Christians, Muslims, secular and religious – citizens of those rural villages, urban towns and pioneering Kibbutzim – all of whom together make up the human mosaic of the Galilee.

As part of Sharona’s initiative, and in addition to the ongoing activities, she organizes several special events throughout the year, during which the public is exposed to the very special social fabric of the running club. One of these is the annual “Christmas Run”, a community event held in the Christian village of Me’ilya in the Western Galilee. The fun-run, which takes place around the Holiday period of Christmas and Hanukkah, brings together thousands of neighbor-residents from across the Galilee region, together with runners from all over Israel. The race/run concludes with a ‘merry’ event in the village square. Thanks to Sharon’s perseverance, she has transformed a small community fun-run into a recognized national event that brings thousands of people with different backgrounds together – creating a platform for future inter-communal engagements and activities.

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